Please forgive the horrendous-ness that is my face in these pictures. I have had no sleep!
How Far Along: 30 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 11.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I’m going to buy more leggings today. The hubs is concerned that I wear the same black pair every single day. And can I please mention that I cannot stand full panel maternity pants/leggings. The panel drives me insane!
Sleep: I never sleep past 3 anymore. I might fall back asleep by 5 or 6. It really sucks.
Best Moment of the Week: Knowing that my child will not have to sleep on a dog bed.
Food Cravings: Pickled okra and banana peppers.
Food Aversions: Eggs.
Belly button/stretch marks: I haven’t noticed any stretch marks – I’m sure Bert would inform me if he noticed any.
Symptoms: Pregnancy. I feel like I can’t breath well. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I get tired so easily. I’m trying not to freak out because I know it will get worse!
John Paul’s pregnancy symptoms: Since informing me that I do not have a disability, John Paul has been very helpful around the house. I only cried twice this week so he’s been pretty sweet!
Movement: She moves like crazy. But sometimes I forget when I last felt her and I freak the eff out. Maybe I should write this down??!!
Gender: Girl – Turner McCartney
What I miss: Sleep.
Milestones: 10 weeks left people!! The countdown is on. Please don’t tell me I have to go past my due date if she isn’t here before. I will just die. Please note that my mother-in-law has already informed me that she thinks the baby will come 10 days late. We won’t mention this again, right?
Thanks for hanging in there with me friends! I know I’ve sucked at blogging but I’m back now!
Why do people say such mean things like your mother-in-law! Obviously she had kids and knows what it is like! I haven't done leggings yet. Did you already have shirts that were long enough to cover your butt? I'm kind of glad you have only gained 11.5 lbs. I'm 24 weeks and only gained like 9 and freaking out about it.
love your bumpdates! you're in the long stretch now!
You're too funny and you look adorable!! You are almost there - hang in there! :)
You are still looking fabulous! I don't know what full panel means in pants but I am going to ask my sisters...haha!
You look amazing! I can't believe it's getting so close now!
& I bet she comes right on time. She will, no doubt, be as fabulous as her mother!
You look so good! I love these updates!
Getting so close! Can't wait to "meet" the little one!
Turner McCartney will be born on Sunday February 13 at 8:20 am and her Aunt B will be right there cheering along :) And laughing and pointing that I was RIGHT!!!!!
so exciting....10 weeks will fly by! i just hope you get some sleep - i would be so frustrated too! you're looking great :))
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