*yes that’s my vacuum cleaner in the background – I clean so often that I never put it up…….:)
How Far Along: 31 weeks
Total Weight Gained: 12.5 lbs – gained another pound this week
Maternity Clothes: I got a new pair of maternity jeans and I am super excited! Now I have 2 pair of pants for my pictures!
Sleep: Not sleeping past 4 anymore. Now when I wake up I’m starving!
Best Moment of the Week: We got the crib and changing table put together this weekend! Pictures to come!
Food Cravings: Pop-tarts – I bought pop-tarts to survive the ice/snow storm of 2011 and I ate an entire box. Before the ice came.
Food Aversions: Eggs.
Belly button/stretch marks: Still feeling lucky with no stretch marks! Only a little belly button left to pop!
Symptoms: I can’t breathe. I hurt. I haven’t had any swelling yet so that’s good. Umm…I have stuff oozing from my nipples. You’re welcome!
John Paul’s pregnancy symptoms: I have an entire post planned about my meltdowns. These are usually unintentionally caused by John Paul. He’s sick this week so I can’t hate on him too much.
Movement: I swear she does gymnastics in there. I feel her move all the time.
Gender: Girl – Turner McCartney
What I miss: Feeling normal – sorry I’m not one of those women who loves being preggers.
Milestones: 9 weeks left! I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! I’ve picked the perfect day to be induced if TM hasn’t made her entrance before then….I just need to convince my doctor…
Thank you so much for your sweet thoughts for Maggie! She’s go back to the doctor tomorrow.
You look fantastic!! Only 9 weeks to go - seems so close! Can't wait to see the crib/nursery :)
PS Just started following you on twitter :)
I like that you need to convince the dr. of your planned inducing date! haha
Cute pics! I'm glad you can see the light at the end of your tunnel, I can't!
Haha as always you are hilarious! I can't wait to see what your doctor thinks of your planned day for delivery! :)
ps- hope your pup is getting better!
You look great! She'll be here so soon!
You look great!! I have the same food aversion, I don't want to be anywhere near eggs!
You are so absolutely stinkin' cute. You look fabulous and you are hilarious as always.
I ::big heart:: you.
I craved pop-tarts AFTER G was born. Nope, the cravings didn't stop right away...I blamed it on breastfeeding. :)
i have a loving relationship with pop-tarts as well! yum!!
you look great hun and i can't believe you are only up 12.5 pounds! you are tiny!
first of all you look great! secondly, I would either do rumparooz or bum genius for your CDs. :)
Come visit my blog for your award! :)
As usual, it's just adorable! You are going to be so glad that you did "bumpdates" once she is here and getting big-like 1 year old. You will never remember how small she was!! And the nips-totally normal! Gross, but normal! It will go away...:)
You look great and your pop tart comment is hilarious.. I have a feeling this is the kind of preggo woman I'll be one day! :) Hang in there!
I have been following your blog for sometime now. You and my daughter, Amber (The Grooms') are due just weeks apart and I have been comparing your "symptoms". You are very entertaining....
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