Please excuse my lovely attire.
How Far Along: 28 weeks
Total Weight Gained: Doctor’s visit on Monday…we shall see!
Maternity Clothes: Yes!! I can still wear some of my pre-preg tops but not many.
Sleep: I have been sleeping great but I feel so exhausted when I get up.
Best Moment of the Week: I have a hard time thinking of great moments. I seem to only recall the rough ones.
Food Cravings: Pie. Orange juice. Pickled okra. I could survive on this.
Food Aversions: Eggs.
Belly button/stretch marks: Still no stretch marks. Part of the belly button has popped out. And the scar from my belly ring back in the day is looking kinda crazy.
Symptoms: Braxton hicks. Back, leg, body pain. Heartburn. Headaches.
John Paul’s pregnancy symptoms: Impatience. I think this is due to the fact that I’m in constant need of sympathy and he’s fresh out. Laziness. I get tired of asking him to do things for me so I’m trying to take care of things myself. Boo!
Movement: I wish I could distinguish body parts. I think I can feel her head but Bert says I don’t need to push on my stomach because I might damage her brain!
Gender: Girl – Turner McCartney
What I miss: Being able to shave my legs comfortably. Unfortunately I can no longer do this and the legs are neglected. Whoops.
What I’m looking forward to: ultrasound on the 27th!
Milestones: 81 days left – for those of you not counting!
Cute! It's definitely growing :) Exciting!
Your bump is too cute!
You're such a cute pregnant lady! :)
Well atleast you got the excuse of your belly being in the way of shaving your legs....mine are a jungle out of sure laziness
Cutest pregnant belly!!! Love it!
You and your pickled okra!
Don't feel bad about your legs! I neglect mine during the cold months! This is because I am lazy!
I hhope yall have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!
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