I thought I would do a post on the things we took with us on our first road trip to the beach….leave me a comment and let me know anything you think would be great for road trippin’ with a wee one.
The first thing you need is a bigger car. What’s that? You have a super huge SUV??? Not big enough. Rent a U-Haul. This is the first thing we realized and my small SUV is no longer cutting it. We are in the market for a new-to-me larger SUV. Just sayin. Plus you know you’re going to buy all kinds of baby stuff while your gone. And where are you gonna put all that stuff???
These are the things that my husband actually let me take made the cut:
Pack n’ Play
*This is not the one I have. I can’t find that one online. Probably because it’s a piece of sh*t. But I suggest getting one with the detachable changing table. This one looks pretty nifty.
I took the pack n’ play for TM to sleep in. Go ahead and laugh. We all did. She definitely did not sleep in it. Ever. But I did use it to change her diaper. I doubt we would take the pack n’ play again. But if your kid sleeps in one it would be worth it. You could also take it down on the beach.
Love our Bumbleride stroller. Umm we used it once but we were shopping and it was worth it. And our car seat snaps right in. Love it!
Bouncy Seat
TM loves the butterflies on this bouncer. We used it at the house and we took it out on the beach with us. It was a life saver.
I also took my boppy for nursing and we got a bumbo seat while we were there – at a consignment store.
I pumped before we went and I pumped in the car so we wouldn’t have to stop – but we still stopped along the way.
I suggest taking a baby tent or a canopy to set up on the beach. The canopy my parents had was fabulous and offered excellent shade.
Ours was similar to this one:
We also had a camping blanket that we could anchor to the ground. This was great for laying TM on to change diapers, play, etc. And since it anchored to the ground there wasn’t a lot of sand on it.
I packed a few of TM’s favorite toys and books to try and keep her entertained. I also took lots of gripe water and Tylenol. We The hubs and Poppy had to venture out at midnight for Mylicon because TM was having a major melt down and I couldn’t figure out anything other than her stomach. Maybe it was the oysters I ate??
I packed tons of clothes for TM because we go through so many at home. You need to over pack just in case. It’s also good to keep a couple outfits handy for the car ride in case of any blow outs.
I wish I had taken a dvd player. Suggested by LG, and TM’s tub. It’s hard to bathe her in the sink and she can’t sit on her own for a real bath in the tub so this was difficult for me.
These are the big things we took. I packed tons of diapers and wipes so I wouldn’t have to buy any while we were gone.
Also, bedtime at the beach was 10 times worse that bedtime from hell at home. Sorry Amber….don’t be discouraged. Maybe bedtime at the beach will be better for y’all.
Let me know of things you couldn’t survive without.