I absolutely LOVED our Christmas card this year! I found this card on etsy and all I did was send our pictures to the lady and she sent me back the jpg file for the card. I had them printed at Walgreens and voila! A fabulously cheap Christmas card to share with our friends and family! Now as you may notice, my children are exceptionally cute and look very well behaved! Now we all know looks can be deceiving and well these posed pictures in front of the tree were all but simple to capture. :)
I have been super busy with all my Christmas gatherings. Unfortunately...my parents are divorced and well ya know that adds a lot of homes to visit on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. :)
The Hubs parents came down the week before Christmas to celebrate with us and Mel (the sis-in-law). We had a blast stuffing our faces and spending time with his side of the fam! Fortunately for him us, his parents still love each other, I know it's not normal - parents don't usually stay married do they? - so we didn't have to spend 3 days visiting ALL sides of his family. (You know like we had to do for my completely normal functional fam!)
We got 2 kids off the Salvation Army Angel Tree and had a blasty blast shopping for them! The Hubs and I just do stockings for each other, and our children of course, and we have so much fun with it! This year on Christmas morning I made a Breakfast Casserole and we headed over to Ricker's and did Christmas with my daddy and Trisha. After that it was off to Mamaw's for more stockings and food with my mom's side of the fam! Then....we headed to Brookwood to visit Bert's (a.k.a. the hubs or John Paul) grandmother whom we never get to see. It was nice to go visit with her and Kenny. We left Brookwood and went by the house to check on the kiddos and then we headed to Addison to see my step-mom's fam and eat some more food and open more presents!
Whew!!! It makes me tired just writing it all down! And did I mention that my wonderfully fabulous husband worked Christmas Eve from 11-7 came home and did all these fun festive activities with absolutely NO SLEEP?!?!? Yeah he's amazingly awesome. :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I am going to post pictures from our Christmas festivities later tonight!