So what’s been going on with the Denton’s during my ridiculously long blog hiatus? Let’s see if I can remember everything that’s gone down…
- 1st and foremost, my Baby Daddy finished his 1st semester of CRNA school (with a 4.0!) and is currently rocking out his 2nd semester. – I really wish I had a first day of school picture to insert here. How awesome would that be??
- Turner Mc started gymnastics and it’s absolutely the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!
- I’ve come to greatly respect single moms because seriously, TM pushes me to my limits daily and some nights I’m afraid I won’t survive.
- I convinced John Paul to let me foster 2 puppies.
- I’m still working 4 days a week and hanging out with TM on Wednesdays. All day.
- I dyed my hair black. Because I was bored.
- I mailed out my Christmas cards before Christmas!

- It snowed in Alabama. Like legit for real make a snowman kind of snow.
That’s all I can remember for now. We’re a pretty boring family. I’m working on reading blogs and getting caught up on y’alls lives!