Monday, February 11, 2013

What CRNA school has taught me…

There’s been a lot of learnin’ going on at the Denton household these past few months. While Bert’s been learning nerdy smarty-pants stuff, I’ve been learning hardcore life lessons. And let me tell y’all, it’s been rough. 

Let’s start with a cute little stereotype. Nerdy CRNA schools girls. While I see my husband approximately 10-12 hours a week, he spends a good 40 with his fellow classmates. Some of these classmates happen to be girls. This is what I expected the girls to look like…


And unfortunately for me, this is what they actually look like…

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So yeah. There’s that.

Then there’s the unfortunate case of the poors. Since Berty spends all his time with hot nerdy girls there’s barely any time for him to work. That just leaves me, and, well we all know how that goes. I’m probably the least motivated gal around so we’re stuck being poor. Yay for making sacrifices for the fam! And just FYI, it’s hard to be poor and live on a budget when you’re always hungry and you love to eat out hate to cook.

All this studying the hubs is doing gives me a lot of alone time with TM. And in case you were wondering, I’d never survive as a single mom. I’m way too dramatic! I have a pity party at least 4 times a week. I just can’t deal with the overly dramatic, unable to obey, toddler stage. It’s going to put me in an early grave.

This is what I have to deal with folks…

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And this is what we like to call hardcore discipline. Feel free to contact me for all you’re parenting advice. I’m what you would call a “pro.”

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In other news, I’m having my tubes tied this week. Okay, not really but let’s face the facts – I’ve considered it.

So grad school is really testing my marriage. And my patience. And my nerves. And we have 21 months left. Will we survive? Or more selfishly – will I survive?! I’m sure I will. I just need to put my big girl panties on and head to the kitchen. And drag my toddler, kicking and screaming, with me.


Jessica said...

Oh Brittany! Been there and done that!!! Adam just finished grad school in August and it was SO HARD! I was staying home with MC and he was gone ALL.THE.TIME. Usually he didn't get home until 3am or so. I PROMISE you can do it!! It was super tough (since both of us weren't working and we were living on savings we were also dirt poor - no fun) I would like to say its all worth it, but we are still poor. So ask me again in a about 50 years when we finally pay off all our student loans ;)

Katie @ Chronicles of KT said...

I didi not realize your hubby was in CRNA school, thats tough!! I would love to do it but am so intimidated!! Hang in there I agree I could never be a single mom i also am way too dramatic!!

Lauren Tobin said...

This is hilarious. This is scary. Gah, I dread if Josh goes back. I will die. At least you haven't died. I feel like you should consider that an accomplishment. Keep up the great work!